“I just posted a question about getting a new laptop ac adaptor because I thought mine had been bent in a direction for too long that made it not function properly. I also noticed that the metal tip was extremly hot and so was the hole that I plug it into.

Anyways today I got the new power cord and saw that my computer wasn’t charging again. I touched the hole and it literally burnt my fingers it was so hot. So it has to be a problem with my actual lap top right?
What could be wrong with my laptop to make that hole so hot, and what can I do about it/ where can I take it? ”

Adapter Application

Laptop AC adapter is comprised of two circuits that make sure a steady, usable power supply for the computer or other device. A transformer lowers the voltage, while a regulator supplies electricity at a steady voltage, free of electrical “noise.” These circuits use a small amount of electricity and generate a small amount of heat. AC adapters are usually slightly warm to the touch. They may be warmer when the device is using a lot of electricity, for example if it is running and charging its battery. There’s no reason to worry about a hot adapter unless it’s too hot to touch comfortably.
External Causes

AC adapters rely on atmosphere passing over them to heat elimination and cool them. If the adapter is covered, for example by a blanket or rug, the excess heat is trapped and the adapter will overheat. Always keep the gateway ac adapter free from obstructions. If it has proper ventilation, it will remain at a moderate temperature.

nternal Causes

Adapters might be overheat because of the circuits in that little black box, such as the regulator, are malfunctioning. If the part has gone bad, it may generate excess heat and have to be replaced. The appliance itself can sometimes draw too much power from the Gateway ADP-65HB BB adapter, increasing the current flowing through it, causing it to become hot.

“It’s unclear to me what exactly is hot. But anyhow, whether it is an “internal” (laptop) component that gets overheated or an external thing, you should go with your laptop and gateway laptop ac adaptor to get it serviced. You don’t want to risk fire because of that.
Especially if you smell that hot thing and feel funny odors.
It could be a bad contact with the power line (bad dangerous plug in the wall), it could be a bad wire (that again dangerous as it could spark).
You must get your pc checked by a specialist.”