Errori e corretta manutenzione della batteria del portatile FUJITSU LifeBook SH572

Posted by admin on November 29th, 2018

Errori e corretta manutenzione della batteria del portatile FUJITSU LifeBook SH572

1. Prima di tutto, l’utente desidera rendere la batteria del notebook longevità, quindi deve iniziare bene. Quando acquistiamo il notebook, la batteria dovrebbe avere un po ‘di energia residua, che viene utilizzata quando l’utente controlla la macchina (se l’utente trova la batteria) Se l’alimentazione è piena, provare che la macchina è stata utilizzata.) A questo punto, non utilizzare l’alimentatore esterno, consumare la carica rimanente nella batteria finché non è spenta, quindi caricarla con un alimentatore esterno.

2. Non caricare la batteria nei giorni di pioggia: spesso fa piovere in caso di pioggia. L’impatto istantaneo della corrente causato da un fulmine è estremamente sfavorevole alla batteria. Inoltre, è particolarmente importante una tensione stabile durante l’uso della batteria del portatile. Gli utenti di FUJITSU LifeBook SH572 dovrebbero cercare di evitare di collegare l’alimentatore del notebook e le apparecchiature ad alta potenza (come condizionatori, frigoriferi e lavatrici) alla stessa presa di corrente.

3. Manutenzione regolare della batteria: se non è possibile garantire che la batteria del FUJITSU LifeBook SH572 venga pulita e ricaricata accuratamente ogni volta, è necessario eseguire una carica standard e scaricarla per almeno un mese (ad esempio, riempirla e quindi riempirla). Oppure utilizzare la funzione di calibrazione della batteria integrata del BIOS per la manutenzione, il che è utile per prolungare la durata della batteria.

4. Se alcuni utenti non utilizzano la batteria per un lungo periodo di tempo, è necessario caricare la batteria per oltre il 50% della batteria per la conservazione, il che è vantaggioso per l’uso successivo della batteria. Inoltre, nel processo di stoccaggio deve prestare attenzione alla temperatura interna, la temperatura troppo alta o troppo bassa sulla batteria è anche relativamente grande, la migliore temperatura di conservazione è di circa 20 gradi.

La batteria del portatile Asus G75VW sblocca un trucco per non avere soldi

Posted by admin on November 22nd, 2018

La batteria del portatile Asus G75VW sblocca un trucco per non avere soldi

1. Preparazione: bloccare l’elettricità Asus 19.5 V 9.23A 180 W G75VW batteria del computer portatile uno (la mia mano è a tre corde e due), un multimetro, testa 0-30 V metro (può essere utilizzato con un multimetro), batteria al litio Un apparecchio elettrico, un filo 50CM.
2. Apri la batteria del laptop e usa il multimetro per misurare se la batteria ha 12 V (10 V-12 V). Se non c’è 12V, usa il caricabatterie per caricare le tre corde.
3. Trova i poli positivo e negativo dell’interfaccia di uscita della batteria del laptop di (Normalmente sul lato sinistro e destro, il polo negativo e il polo negativo della batteria sono collegati con un multimetro, il polo negativo è sul lato destro e il polo positivo è sul lato destro, il polo negativo è sul lato destro e il polo positivo sul lato sinistro. )
4. Collegare il misuratore di tensione 0-30 V (multimetro) ai terminali positivo e negativo del connettore di uscita della batteria del portatile.

La cosa più importante è usare un cavo per collegare il lato positivo del pacco batteria per fare clic (più punti)
Il polo positivo dell’interfaccia di uscita della batteria del portatile! !

Se hai successo, dovresti avere una tensione di uscita (se non è possibile, la scheda è OK)

How to Choose the Correct HP HQ-TRE Laptop AC Adapter

Posted by admin on November 16th, 2018

How to Choose the Correct HP HQ-TRE Laptop AC Adapter

Before you buy any AC/DC laptop adapter, please make sure the AC/DC laptop adapter will give you the correct voltage and suitable current output. To find out the voltage & current, turn your laptop over and look for a label, sticker or writing which shows the voltage and current, it should look something like the examples below. The first thing to consider for the HP HQ-TRE ac adapter is the voltage. The easiest way to check this is to turn the computer over and see if there is a voltage listed anywhere on the bottom of the machine. A sticker may be affixed with this information and other similar laptop specs listed. It should be a number with a V attached to it, such as 19.5V, 20V, 16V and so om. This information is also available on the original adapter, if it is available. The second thing to look for is the current output needed for the For HP Laptop Batteries . This number will have an A of mA associated with it. For example, it may say something like 4.74A ,4.62A, 6.32A or 950mA. These numbers ensure that the power going to your machine will be acceptable and keep it operating within normal parameters. Not paying attention to either of these numbers could cause the electrical systems in the computer to malfunction and quit working altogether.

How to maintain the Acer 3485A0 battery when you buy a new Acer laptop?

Posted by admin on November 8th, 2018


How to maintain the Acer 3485A0 battery when you buy a new Acer laptop?

Everyone buys a new notebook, usually there are some problems, such as the battery should not be plugged in all the time? Do you want to wait for the battery to be recharged for the first time? Regarding laptop batteries, what else do we need to pay special attention to? Today, I will discuss the problem of battery maintenance on laptops. I hope to help you learn more about battery use, maintenance and knowledge.

Most of the current laptops are built-in batteries. This time we use built-in batteries as an example. It should be noted that the internal battery of the laptop usually has its own protection circuit. Our daily use of the battery generally does not cause particularly serious damage. The battery generally calculates the life by the number of cycles of charge and discharge, and the health cycle is generally about 500-800 times, so it is not necessary to entangle the battery life protection, and it can be used normally.

How should the battery and adapter work together?
If the notebook you buy is often used for image processing or high-definition video editing, CPU power consumption will increase greatly, so the battery power will also accelerate consumption. If you often play 3D large games, it will also accelerate the consumption of battery power. The same is true for mobile phone batteries. However, the Replacement Laptop Battery For Acer 3485A0 laptop battery can be plugged into the adapter all the time. The battery capacity will naturally wear out as the number of charging cycles increases. Long-term battery charging will accelerate battery loss. So you don’t need to use the battery to automatically shut down and recharge. When the computer reminds you that the battery is low, you can charge it yourself.

How should the battery be maintained when the notebook is not used often?
It is worth noting that the notebook will also consume power when it is turned off. If the battery stays in the unpowered laptop, the self-discharge rate of the lithium battery is high. Generally speaking, the battery is stored in the computer for a long time. In this case, the battery’s power will drop below the mortgage level, and if the battery is in such a state for a long time, it will also accelerate the battery loss.

The author suggests: If the ACER Laptop Batteries laptop is not used for a long time, you should keep the battery about 50% of the battery, then put the notebook in a dry and cool place to prevent exposure, chemical liquid erosion and so on. And charge the battery at least once a month. This will make your battery more durable.

LG Laptop Batteries does not need to be removed and put down, it will affect the battery life

Posted by admin on November 1st, 2018

LG Laptop Batteries does not need to be removed and put down, it will affect the battery life

Now the laptop can be said to be a must-have for everyone. When the notebooks of the student era are generally bought, they are vowed to use “doing homework”, “searching for information”, “writing a thesis”, and most of them are loaded with video and audio. The full range of applications and the full range of Tencent games have become game consoles and player players. The person who works is no exception. If you want to take the information home and look at it, but bring it back home, you will definitely see the news and find a movie. It will be a night.

Since the notebook computer has become a recognized necessities for everyone, how can you use this necessities to better protect your computer and make fewer malfunctions? To say that laptops are the easiest thing to depreciate, then it is definitely a notebook power supply. The notebook power supply occupies a large part of the quality of the computer, while the notebook power supply is also the energy source to ensure the normal operation of the computer during business trips. Many people feel that laptop power supply seems to be useless when the notebook is in normal use and connected to the power supply. There is even a saying that continuous charging and discharging will deplete the life of the power supply.

So what is the correct usage of laptop batteries? In fact, the most correct usage of the LG LB62119E laptop battery is always installed on the computer, do not take it down, this is also a misunderstanding of many people. Many people think that the most important reason why the notebook power supply should take off the battery is that the battery has a limit on the number of times of charge and discharge. Fully charged and then released once is called a charge and discharge, and the laptop battery is pulled out because it is plugged in. If the notebook consumes a little power, it will add a little power to the power supply. This will cause a lot of charge and discharge cycles, and the life of the laptop battery will be exhausted. In fact, this idea is wrong, the battery of the laptop does not need to be taken down.

1. Believe in laptop power management software, you can protect the battery without removing the battery.
The number of charge and discharge times is also called the number of cycles of charging. It is defined as the process of filling the battery and then running out of power. Note that the charge and discharge here are all full and all used up. The lithium battery generally has 500 normal charge. During the discharge cycle, the battery loss is negligible during this cycle. When the AC power supply is plugged in, the notebook power management system will automatically recognize and use the AC power, but only charge the power supply while using it. General computer software can do it. After all, computer is always more professional than users. In addition, the notebook’s power management generally allows the user to set the charging threshold strategy, that is, when the battery is less than a percent of the charge, charging this threshold to 50% can also solve this problem well. That is to say, only when the power is less than 50%, it will be charged, thus avoiding frequent small-capacity charging and discharging.

2. The biggest natural enemy of laptop battery is overcharge and over discharge.
When a notebook is just bought, many people will “activate” the laptop battery with their childhood experience. According to the online statement, the first three charging times must be more than 12 hours, and repeated three times to activate the battery. This is the use of the nickel-cadmium battery in the past. Most of the nickel-cadmium batteries have been eliminated. The correct way is to buy them directly and use them. If they are fully charged, they will be used. 50% charging is the best protection for the battery. Lithium-ion batteries are the most difficult to tolerate long-term over-discharge after a long period of overcharge and low power after full charge, so the charging is protection.

3. The battery power of the laptop itself is related to time. If it is idle, it will not be broken.
The lithium-ion battery used in notebooks generally gradually decreases its activity with age. Even if it is removed and not used, its power will slowly decay, and it is difficult to say that the battery is placed due to the loss of activity of the lithium-ion battery for a long time. What are the benefits of the battery? Laptop batteries are inherently consumables. Instead of letting it go down, it’s better to play its value. Unfortunately, it is also possible to replace LG LB62119E Battery for your notebook.

4. The biggest value of the laptop battery when connected to the power supply is the regulator and emergency power supply.
The laptop battery is not useless when connected to a power source. In fact, it can be of great value. In response to a sudden power outage, the laptop battery not only protects the computer hardware and hard disk, but also helps the user save it. Precious documents, sometimes even more than the price of a battery, and the AC electrode is easy to damage the computer components when the voltage fluctuates, this time the notebook power supply can play a role in voltage regulation, reducing the impact of voltage fluctuations.

5. The appearance of the ultra-thin book shows that the laptop battery does not need to be removed at all.
The appearance of the ultra-thin book is the best answer to this question. There are many computers on the market that cannot be disassembled at all. This is because, according to the optimization of the computer, not removing the battery will not affect it.

Under normal use, the notebook battery will be reduced to about 50% of the capacity in a year or two, so don’t remove the laptop battery. It is best to use the laptop battery and play its proper value.

La batterie pour ordinateur portable Acer 3icp4/68/111 n’a pas besoin d’être retirée et posée, cela affecterait la durée de vie de la batterie.

Posted by admin on November 1st, 2018

La batterie pour ordinateur portable Acer 3icp4/68/111 n’a pas besoin d’être retirée et posée, cela affecterait la durée de vie de la batterie.

Maintenant, on peut dire que l’ordinateur portable est essentiel pour tout le monde. Lorsque les ordinateurs portables de l’époque étudiante sont généralement achetés, ils sont voués à utiliser “faire leurs devoirs”, “rechercher des informations”, “rédiger une thèse” et la plupart d’entre eux sont chargés de vidéo et d’audio. La gamme complète d’applications et la gamme complète de jeux Tencent sont devenues des consoles de jeux et des lecteurs. La personne qui travaille ne fait pas exception à la règle: si vous voulez ramener les informations à la maison et les consulter, mais ramenez-les à la maison, vous verrez certainement les nouvelles et trouver un film. Ce sera une nuit.

Étant donné que l’ordinateur portable est devenu une nécessité reconnue pour tous, comment pouvez-vous l’utiliser pour mieux protéger votre ordinateur et éviter les dysfonctionnements? Dire que les ordinateurs portables sont la chose la plus facile à amortir, alors c’est définitivement une alimentation pour ordinateur portable. L’alimentation du portable occupe une grande partie de la qualité de l’ordinateur, elle sert également de source d’énergie pour assurer le fonctionnement normal de l’ordinateur pendant les voyages d’affaires. De nombreuses personnes pensent que l’alimentation électrique d’un ordinateur portable semble être inutile lorsque celui-ci est utilisé normalement et branché à l’alimentation électrique.Il ya même un dicton qui dit que charger et décharger continuellement va épuiser la durée de vie de l’alimentation.

Alors, quelle est la bonne utilisation des batteries d’ordinateurs portables? En fait, l’utilisation la plus correcte de la batterie pour ordinateur portable Batterie Pour Acer 3icp4/68/111 est toujours installée sur l’ordinateur. Ne la détruisez pas, il s’agit également d’un malentendu de nombreuses personnes. De nombreuses personnes pensent que la principale raison pour laquelle l’alimentation de l’ordinateur portable doit être retirée est que la batterie est soumise à une limite de charge et de décharge complète. Une charge complète, puis relâchée une fois, est appelée charge et décharge, et la batterie de l’ordinateur portable est retirée car elle est branchée. Si l’ordinateur portable consomme un peu d’énergie, cela ajoutera un peu d’alimentation à l’alimentation électrique, ce qui entraînera de nombreux cycles de charge et de décharge, et la durée de vie de la batterie de l’ordinateur portable sera épuisée. En fait, cette idée est fausse, la batterie de l’ordinateur portable n’a pas besoin d’être retirée.

1. Croyez en un logiciel de gestion de l’alimentation pour ordinateur portable, vous pouvez protéger la batterie sans l’enlever.
Le nombre de temps de charge et de décharge est également appelé le nombre de cycles de charge.Il est défini comme le processus de remplissage de la batterie, puis de panne de courant. Notez que la charge et la décharge sont toutes pleines et entièrement utilisées. La batterie au lithium a généralement une charge normale de 500. Au cours du cycle de décharge, la perte de batterie est négligeable pendant ce cycle.Lorsque l’alimentation secteur est branchée, le système de gestion de l’énergie du portable détecte et utilise automatiquement l’alimentation secteur, mais ne la charge que pendant son utilisation. Les logiciels informatiques généraux peuvent le faire. Après tout, l’ordinateur est toujours plus professionnel que les utilisateurs. De plus, la gestion de l’énergie du portable permet généralement à l’utilisateur de définir la stratégie de seuil de charge, c’est-à-dire que lorsque la batterie est inférieure à un pour cent de la charge, le fait de charger ce seuil à 50% peut également résoudre ce problème. C’est-à-dire que si la puissance est inférieure à 50%, elle sera chargée, évitant ainsi les charges et décharges fréquentes de petite capacité.

2. Le plus grand ennemi naturel de la  Batterie Pour Acer d’ordinateur portable est la surcharge et la décharge excessive.
Lorsqu’un ordinateur portable vient d’être acheté, de nombreuses personnes “activent” la batterie de l’ordinateur portable avec leur expérience d’enfance. Selon le relevé en ligne, les trois premiers temps de charge doivent durer plus de 12 heures et être répétés trois fois pour activer la batterie. C’est l’usage de la pile au nickel-cadmium dans le passé: la plupart des piles au nickel-cadmium ont été éliminées, il convient de les acheter directement et de les utiliser. Si elles sont complètement chargées, elles seront utilisées. Une charge de 50% constitue la meilleure protection pour la batterie. Les batteries au lithium-ion sont les plus difficiles à tolérer pour une décharge excessive à long terme après une longue période de surcharge et une faible puissance après une charge complète. La charge est donc une protection.

3. La puissance de la batterie de l’ordinateur portable dépend du temps. Si elle est inactive, elle ne sera pas endommagée.
En règle générale, la batterie lithium-ion utilisée dans les ordinateurs portables décroît progressivement avec l’âge.Même si elle est retirée et n’est plus utilisée, son alimentation va décroître lentement et il est difficile de dire que la batterie est placée en raison de la perte d’activité de la batterie au lithium-ion pendant une longue période. Quels sont les avantages de la batterie? Les batteries d’ordinateurs portables sont par nature des consommables. Au lieu de les laisser tomber, il vaut mieux en jouer.

4. La valeur la plus importante de la batterie d’un ordinateur portable lorsqu’elle est connectée à l’alimentation est le régulateur et l’alimentation de secours.
La batterie d’un ordinateur portable n’est pas inutile lorsqu’elle est connectée à une source d’alimentation. En fait, elle peut être très utile. En réponse à une panne d’électricité soudaine, la batterie d’un ordinateur portable protège non seulement le matériel informatique et le disque dur, mais aide également l’utilisateur à le sauvegarder. Des documents précieux, parfois même plus que le prix d’une batterie, et l’électrode alternative endommage facilement les composants de l’ordinateur lorsque la tension fluctue. Cette fois, l’alimentation de l’ordinateur portable peut jouer un rôle dans la régulation de la tension, réduisant l’impact des fluctuations de tension.

5. L’apparence du livre ultra-fin montre que la batterie du portable n’a pas besoin d’être retirée.
L’apparence du livre ultra-mince est la meilleure réponse à cette question: il existe de nombreux ordinateurs sur le marché qui ne peuvent pas être démontés du tout, car, selon l’optimisation de l’ordinateur, ne pas enlever la batterie ne l’affectera pas.

Dans des conditions normales d’utilisation, la batterie de l’ordinateur portable sera réduite à environ 50% de sa capacité dans un an ou deux, aussi ne retirez pas la batterie de l’ordinateur portable. Il est préférable d’utiliser la batterie de l’ordinateur portable et de jouer à sa juste valeur.

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