You plug in your laptop adapter, and suddenly your Acer laptop does not boot. May be a problem with your Acer laptop power adapter. Can sometimes become loose wires and connectors to the power supply and can lose the ability to charge your laptop. If any of these wires become exposed, they can also become a fire hazard. You need to unplug the power adapter and assess what is wrong before you can fix it.

Please check your power plug. Most Acer laptop power a small lamp,such as Acer PA-1700-02 AC adapter LED lights if they are getting power from a functioning outlet. Try several different outlets. If the power cord is firmly plugged and the LED is off, then it may be the failure of the AC adapter. Troubleshooting AC adapter problems require more technical expertise, and in most cases, it would be more economical to buy a new power adapter. If the LED flashes on and off, if you twist the line, it is possible there is a problem with the power cord itself or laptop connector.

Cut off the laptop connector end. Wire and Cable Strippers Strip about an inch of one end connected to the the wire sheathing on the laptop.Acer SADP-65KB AC adapte Twisted wire braid and the shield surrounding together. The braid ends use the soldering iron with solder coating.

To find a replacement?Acer ADP-65DB AC adapter connector in your local electronics store. Connector requires precise size match. Keep in mind that slide to the wire, its connector connection can be connected to the connector housing stripped.

Internal wires are welded barrel connector center “tab. Welding braided outer label a small strip of a small strip of electrical tape on each tab, so that the Acer PA-1650-02 AC adapter wire can not touch and short-circuit connector housing screwed to the connector on.