Kompatibler Ersatz für SAMSUNG 700G Laptop Akku

Posted by admin on July 8th, 2015

Kompatibler Ersatz für SAMSUNG 700G Laptop Akku

über unzureichende Akkuleistung müssen Sie sich jetzt keine Gedanken mehr machen! Hochleistungs Akku für SAMSUNG 700G mit neuen hochwertigen Markenzellen wie unter anderem von Samsung, LG, Sanyo,… Durch die extrem lange Lebensdauer und die gleichbleibend zuverlassige Leistung konnen Sie Ihr System optimal nutzen.100 % kompatibel mit den Original SAMSUNG 700G Akkus durch mabgefertigte Passform inklusive uberladungs- und Kurzschlussschutz.


Akku für SAMSUNG 700G Technische Daten:

Akku-Typ: Li-ion
Spannung: 15.1V
Kapazitat: 5900mAh / 8Zellen
Gewicht: 399g
Property: SAMSUNG Original Battery
Farbe: Schwarz

Ersetzt Originalakku:


Passt zu Modell:

SAMSUNG 700G Series
SAMSUNG 700G7A Series SAMSUNG NP700G7A Series SAMSUNG NT700G7A Series
SAMSUNG 700G7C Series SAMSUNG NP700G7C Series SAMSUNG NT700G7C Series

Spezialangebot SAMSUNG NP700G7A Laptop Akku

Posted by admin on June 23rd, 2015

Spezialangebot SAMSUNG NP700G7A Laptop Akku

Vorabend des Frühlingsfestes,?Akku für Samsung Laptop Dalian ?ffentlichen multipliziert mit der 12 Hochleistungsmontage Chunlan haben Nickel-Metallhydrid-Batterien und-Management-System für Hybrid- Pkw.

Es versteht sich, dass das Ende des letzten Jahres hat der Staat die “1000 zehn Stadt” Auto-Modell auf neue Energieplan zu f?rdern, durch die aufeinanderfolgende 3-Jahres-Bedingung mehr als 10 gro?en St?dten, die 1000 die F?rderung von neuen Energie Fahrzeugmodell, so dass bis 2010 China In energiesparende und neue Energie Fahrzeuge, um das Ausma? von 10.000 zu erreichen. VGP-BPS9 / B und Chunlan sind “zehn Ort 1000”, die wichtigste treibende Kraft der neuen Energie Automobilzulieferindustrie.SAMSUNG NP700G7A Laptop Akku

Chunlan Clean Energy Research Institute Company Limited Assistant General Manager Pan Hongbin sagte Reportern Laptop-Batterie, in der Tat, das Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Technologie der frühen Umsetzung der “zehn Ort 1000” VGP-BPL9 VGP-BPS9 VGP-BPS9 / B VGP- BPS9A VGP-BPS9A / B, Das neue Auto F?rderung von Energie-Demonstrationsprojekt, ist Nationale Automobilindustrie eine wichtige Ma?nahme für die Planung der Wiederbelebung eines der gerade aus der Planung der Revitalisierung des Autos hat es klar, die Umsetzung der neuen Energie Automobilstrategie gemacht , Elektrofahrzeuge und ihre wichtigsten Teile und Komponenten Industrie zu f?rdern.

Dekade der Schleifen Schwert. Chunlan und hat mehr als dreihundert Millionen Yuan für die treibende Kraft für die Ni-MH-Akku Forschung und Entwicklung und Pilot, VGP-BPS9 verbracht, nach zahlreichen Versuch und Irrtum, haben Chunlan mehr als 100 technische Probleme in Angriff genommen, um eine 8-500 entwickeln wenn hochleistungsf?hige Nickel-Metallhydrid-Batterie betrieben und kann spontanen Ladung und Entladung, um die Bedürfnisse der Automobil Power-Management-Modul erfüllen. Bisher Chunlan dynamischen Nickel-Wasserstoff-Batterien Dell Akku Inspiron 6000, D5318 haben eine Reihe von unabh?ngigen Kerntechnologien und patentierten 57, davon sieben Patente. Das Projekt wurde in der nationalen Fokus auf Forschung der “863” Projekt enthalten. Im August letzten Jahres, in der Olympia-Erfolg des Busses verwendet Chunlan dynamischen Hochenergie-Nickel-Wasserstoff-Batterien,SAMSUNG NP700G7A Laptop Akku Anlass zur Sorge im In- und Ausland.

“Ten City 1000” Programms für Chunlan dynamischen erkennen die Gr??e der Nickel-Wasserstoff-Batterien bieten eine treibende Kraft für die Industrialisierung. Nach dem chinesischen Neujahr, Chunlan dynamischen Nickel-Wasserstoff-Batterie Produktionsanlage l?uft auf Hochtouren, die j?hrliche Ausgabe von 1500 mit neuer Energie Autopassenden Nickel-Wasserstoff-Batterien 6Y270, SAMSUNG NP700G7A Laptop Akku . Stromversorgungssystemen. Auf der aktuellen heimischen Markt, haben ausl?ndische Wettbewerber zu den Umst?nden zu beteiligen, Chunlan dynamischen Nickel-Wasserstoff-Batterien besetzen immer noch ein Marktanteil erreichte 50%. Nach Einführung, Chunlan beschleunigt auch die Brennstoffzellen, Solarzellen, wie neue Forschung und Entwicklung, und ein Durchbruch erfolgt ist. Zur gleichen Zeit, wird seine Triebkraft für die Ni-MH-Akku Produktionskapazit?t, da der Markt erweitert werden und erweitern die ganze Zeit.

SONY VGP-BPS35A Laptop Akku

Posted by admin on June 18th, 2015

Ersatzakku SONY VGP-BPS35A?

Kompatibler Ersatz für SONY VGP-BPS35A Laptop Akku

über unzureichende Akkuleistung müssen Sie sich jetzt keine Gedanken mehr machen! Hochleistungs Akku für SONY VGP-BPS35A mit neuen hochwertigen Markenzellen wie unter anderem von Samsung, LG, Sanyo,… Durch die extrem lange Lebensdauer und die gleichbleibend zuverl?ssige Leistung k?nnen Sie Ihr System optimal nutzen.100 % kompatibel mit den Original SONY VGP-BPS35A Akkus durch ma?gefertigte Passform inklusive überladungs- und Kurzschlussschutz.

Akku für SONY VGP-BPS35A Technische Daten:

Akku-Typ: Li-ion
Spannung: 14.4V oder 14.8V
Kapazit?t: 44Wh / 4Zellen
Gewicht: 177g
Property: SONY Replacement Battery
Farbe: Schwarz oder Silber

Ersetzt Originalakku:?


Passt zu Modell:?

SONY VAIO Fit 14E Series SONY VAIO Fit 15E Series

Laptop Akku Eigenschaften:

Mit diesem Li-Ionen-Akku erwerben Sie ein Qualit?tsprodukt . Der Akku SONY VGP-BPS35A ist 100% baugleich zu dem Original Akku. Ersatzbatterien werden unter Verwendung von Komponenten h?chster Qualit?t für eine lange und zuverl?ssige Lebensdauer der Batterie.

Zudem haben unsere Akkus h?chste Zyklenfestigkeit, was eine hohe Anzahl m?glicher Lade- Entlade-Zyklen bedeutet. Die geringe Selbstentladung der Akkus sorgt bei Nichtgebrauch für geringen Energieverlust.

  • Schneller Versand , 60 Tage Geld-zurück Garantie! Neu, 1 Jahren Garantie!
  • H?here Umwelt-und Sicherheits-Schutz – Jede Akku und Netzteil Produkt erfüllt CE, FCC und RoHS-Zertifizierungen.
  • Hohe Kapazit?t und hohe Qualit?tsstufe A-Zellen eingesetzt werden – sorgt für überlegene Leistung und l?ngere Teig Leben.
  • über 500 vollen Lade / Entlade-Zeiten.
  • Die kompatiblen Nachbau ersatzakku SONY VGP-BPS35A besitzen alle elektronischen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen der Original-Akkus und k?nnen natürlich mit Ihrem Original-Netzteil aufgeladen werden.

über uns:

1.aa.com ist ein Berufshersteller der Laptopbatterien. Wir haben 8 Jahre Erfahrung mit hoher und profunder R&D-Technologie und Wissen.

2. Unsere Produkte sind mit den meisten Hauptmarken kompatibel, geführt CER ,ROHS und MSDS Bescheinigung.

3. Wir versprechen, private Informationen von Kunden zu schützen, wie E-Mail, Adresse, und so weiter.- Dem Kontakt mit uns durch info@aa.com bekommen k?nnen.


Der hier angebotene Artikel ist, sofern nicht ausdrücklich in der Artikelbeschreibung darauf hingewiesen wird, kein Originalprodukt. Alle aufgeführten Firmen-, Markennamen und Warenzeichen sind Eigentum des jeweiligen Herstellers und dienen lediglich der eindeutigen Identifikation.http://www.laptop-akku-shop.com/sony-vgpbps35a-p-5788.html

Quatre erreurs batterie de Asus A32-X401

Posted by admin on June 2nd, 2015

Récemment, selon les rapports des médias étrangers, batterie ASUS A32-X401 une société de commercialisation de Londres dans un ordinateur portable a explosé. Rapporté, cette entreprise de marketing d’un personnel à l’utilisation de l’ordinateur portable fume tout à coup, le personnel concerné arrêter immédiatement ce portable, mais un ordinateur portable a explosé. A rapporté que ce portable a déjà passé trois ou quatre ans. La police britannique a déclaré que l’incident est actuellement sous enquête. En fait, la norme de la batterie d’ordinateur portable n’a pas encore été introduite, est maintenant apparaitre sur le marché un grand nombre de chalets les batteries et secondaires, ce que les consommateurs comment acheter batterie d’ordinateur portable, mais aussi comment ils maintenu la bonne utilisation de celui-ci?

Afin de prévenir les accidents de sécurité batterie d’ordinateur portable, les utilisateurs devraient éviter l’utilisation de piles les quatre erreurs suivantes portables afin de réduire les risques de sécurité et prolonger la vie.

1. complet de celui-ci en tirer encore une alimentation de ligne
Selon Asus Inspiron 1520 experts batterie d’ordinateur portable, dans le laptopbattery est entièrement chargée circonstances, ne devrait plus être l’aide d’une alimentation externe pour ordinateur portable. Cela permettra l’utilisation de la batterie est rechargée de facon répétée l’état, résultant dans la vie de la batterie réduite, Batterie ASUS A32-X401, Asus F301A Batterie, Asus F301A1 Batterie, Asus F301U batterie, mais aussi entrainer une surchauffe, facile d’endommager d’autres appareils.

2. Alimentation sans interruption sur le lit.
Beaucoup d’utilisateurs quittent l’ordinateur portable hors tension lorsque vous ne le souhaitez pas, ou même l’ordinateur portable sur les lits et autres articles en laine pour garder sur le dessus de l’état de charge, ce qui est susceptible de provoquer des incendies dans la surchauffe de la batterie Batterie Pour Asus.

3. Un long temps de ne pas utiliser la batterie
En outre, Asus Inspiron 1300 batterie longtemps ne pas utiliser la pratique de la batterie est également desirable.ASUS A32-X401 batterie, capacité de la batterie pour activer une base régulière, l’utilisation appropriée semble être plus précis. Plein d’énergie, il devrait être un adaptateur de pile ou alimentation séparée et ne pas être à usage commun.

4. Souvent, la décharge de la batterie
Enfin, ne retirez pas toujours la batterie, la position de la batterie exposée, de sorte que l’accès facile à un grand nombre de poussière causer la batterie à utiliser leurs connexions et l’élimination de la batterie doit prêter attention à l’humidité de la poussière étanche antichoc régulièrement avec un petit pinceau propre.

Laptop Power Adapter Tips

Posted by admin on April 20th, 2015

Laptop Power Adapter Tips

Power adapters are essential to proper laptop function. There are many simple mistakes that can damage the adapter over time. Bending, overheating, water and voltage problems can weaken the adapter and make it less effective in providing power to the computer.Sony VGP-AC19V74 AC Adapter Taking early precautions to avoid this damage will increase the longevity of the product and prevent inconvenient damage and replacements.

Avoid Bending the Adapter
Bending the power adapter can cause damage to the cable and laptop. Lenovo 0B46994 Adapter Extensive pressure on the wires can cause the wires inside the adapter to break apart. When this happens, the adapter is unable to maintain solid contact and may cause the power supply to short circuit, or allow the current to stop flowing or travel along an unintended path. A short can cause extreme damage to the laptop.
Prevent this situation by not allowing the power adaptor to bend at any point near the laptop. Being vigilant about this can prevent it, or for added security, the cable can be reinforced with a popsicle stick and tape.

Avoid Overheating the Transformer
The transformer, HP 710412-001 AC Adapter easily identified as the box in the middle of the power cable, can be destroyed by overheating. Be sure to safeguard against this by making sure that the transformer is never covered up or placed right next to the laptop. Air flow will cool the transformer off to a sustainable level, but preventing air contact will quickly overheat and fry the electronics within the box.

Avoid Damage
There are other means of damaging a power adapter that must be avoided. Be sure to use the adapter in safe locations where it does not pose a tripping hazard. The sudden pressure applied when someone trips over the cable can damage the adapter and the laptop.
When using a universal laptop power supply, Asus N17908 AC Adapter it is critical to identify the correct voltage. Using voltage that is too low can force the laptop to rely partially on the battery. Too much voltage can destroy the battery.
Like all electronics, power adapters are susceptible to water damage and must be protected accordingly. Be careful when using the adapter around bodies of water or even beverages. Contact with too much water can cause shocks or electrical shorts. A short in the cable can cause a power surge that could be very damaging to the laptop.

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Dell laptop batteries is a premium choice of customers

Posted by admin on April 16th, 2015


Dell laptops are in great demand because of their exclusive Dell laptop batteries designed especially for their specific models of Dell laptops. Dell laptop batteries are available in the market as well as on the official websites of Dell for the convenience of all the customers. Online availability of the batteries of Dell have made it easy for their customers to get the specific battery for their specific Dell model in case they want to change their for any major reason.

Consumption of battery for depends on several reasons like the configuration settings; memory usage of the laptop and last, but not the least several applications like brightness of the laptop also effects the consumption of the battery. Dell is the company, which is known for using the standard benchmarks of the industry in case of their Dell Inspiron N5010 battery. Qualification process of Dell is very strong due to which the Dell batteries ensure their customers with proper functioning process and that too through validated means. Dell ensures its customers with safety and performance of the batteries which attract large number of people to buy the Dell laptops.

There are available in the market which claims that they work well if fitted in Dell laptops, but Dell itself does not validate its performance and safety in a Dell laptop. Dell always encourages people to buy the batteries designed specifically for their model by Dell itself. Dell advertises its battery range on its official websites which help people to know about the prices of XPS L502X Battery online. Dell offers one year battery warranty to its customers, which is of great use for the people who use Dell laptops.

Dell also offers a Dell J1KND to its customers which they can use in optical drive media bay with the help of which the person using it can use two batteries at a single point of time which will help him in extending the running time of the laptop without charging it for the long time. In case of such arrangements laptops first use the modular battery and then get switch over to the primary battery of automatically.

Dell Inspiron N5010 battery generally have LED indicator that help its users to know about the overall life of the battery. Dell batteries are designed in such a way that they work well in Dell laptops only.

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Laptop Power Adapter Tips

Posted by admin on April 12th, 2015


Power adapters are essential to proper laptop function. There are many simple mistakes that can damage the adapter over time. Bending, overheating, water and voltage problems can weaken the adapter and make it less effective in providing power to the computer. Taking early precautions to avoid this damage will increase the longevity of the product and prevent inconvenient damage and replacements.
Avoid Bending the Adapter
Bending the power adapter can cause damage to the cable and laptop. Hp AC Adapter Extensive pressure on the wires can cause the wires inside the adapter to break apart. When this happens, the adapter is unable to maintain solid contact and may cause the power supply to short circuit, or allow the current to stop flowing or travel along an unintended path. A short can cause extreme damage to the laptop.
Prevent this situation by not allowing the power adaptor to bend at any point near the laptop. Being vigilant about this can prevent it, or for added security, the cable can be reinforced with a popsicle stick and tape.
Avoid Overheating the Transformer
The transformer, HP ENVY 14 AC Adapter easily identified as the box in the middle of the power cable, can be destroyed by overheating. Be sure to safeguard against this by making sure that the transformer is never covered up or placed right next to the laptop. Air flow will cool the transformer off to a sustainable level, but preventing air contact will quickly overheat and fry the electronics within the box.
Avoid Damage
There are other means of damaging a power adapter that must be avoided. Be sure to use the adapter in safe locations where it does not pose a tripping hazard. The sudden pressure applied when someone trips over the cable can damage the adapter and the laptop.
When using a universal laptop power supply, HP N193 AC Adapter it is critical to identify the correct voltage. Using voltage that is too low can force the laptop to rely partially on the battery. Too much voltage can destroy the battery.
Like all electronics, power adapters are susceptible to water damage and must be protected accordingly. Be careful when using the adapter around bodies of water or even beverages. Contact with too much water can cause shocks or electrical shorts. A short in the cable can cause a power surge that could be very damaging to the laptop.


General notebook battery parameters

Posted by admin on March 23rd, 2015

General notebook battery parameters

Capacity size judgment marked mAh battery. MA when the size is directly related to the laptop battery use time, but it can not be generalized. Not to say that the greater use of the capacity of the Dell XPS L502X Battery time will be longer battery life is closely related to the actual use of the process as well as the notebook’s power consumption. Normally the next higher the energy consumption of the configuration of the laptop must be the greater, the greater the amount of computing power of the run, the faster the passage.

▲ 7800mAh large capacity

Divided into notebook battery laptop battery rated voltage rated voltage and notebook rated voltage, generally both, there is a certain difference between the former refers to the longest stay during the time of the voltage laptopbatterysale.co.uk when the battery voltage drops during the discharge process. Laptop while charging use or just has been charged, the voltage will than use only the battery. Therefore, the rated voltage of the battery marked slightly lower.

▲ monogram on the notebook adapter

The normal operating temperature of the rated voltage of the notebook is the the battery normal working temperature range, for use in non-normal temperatures may appear dangerous (explosion), as well as unnecessary trouble (leakage, a sudden power failure), the general Dell Battery during use This happens less, but users when in use and do not effect, avoid the battery is close to overheating or too cold objects.

Finding the Right Model of Adapter

Posted by admin on March 8th, 2015

Since there are so many different adapters on the market, it’s essential to check which type of adapter a laptop requires before purchase. Most adapters are marketed for specific brands and models of laptops. They will also list the voltage, current, and polarity of the adapter. This way, laptop owners can select the appropriate adapter for their devices. Finding the correct adapter for a laptop means checking the laptop’s model number and power requirements.Toshiba PA3546E-1AC3 Laptop AC Adapter

Get the laptop’s model number. This is usually printed on a small sticker affixed to the underside of the laptop.

Get the power requirements for the laptop. This is also printed on a small sticker affixed to the underside of the laptop. It may also be printed near the laptop power port.Toshiba PA3546E-1AC3 Look for the amperage and the voltage required.

Look up the model number online to find if there are compatible adapters available. The voltage and amperage of the adapter need to match the requirements of the laptop.

Compare the connector type of the laptop adapter to any available adapters found online. They need to match to ensure that the adapter can plug into the laptop.

About Voltage
Voltage is what pulls electrical energy into the laptop. It’s kind of like the wheels on a paddleboat, which turn and push the paddleboat across the water. In this case, the paddleboat is actually a bunch of electrons. If the voltage of the laptop is different from that provided by the adapter, it won’t be able to create the correct charge needed to pull the electrical energy into the laptop. Finding the right voltage for a laptop adapter is also important to keeping the power from shorting out the laptop. A voltage that’s too high will overload the laptop’s circuits.Toshiba Laptop AC Adapter Owners will end up needing to buy more than just a new adapter at that point.

About Amperage
Amperage, also known as current, is what gives the laptop enough power to run. It is the amount of electrical energy that flows into the laptop at any single moment. Laptops need the right amount of consistent energy flow to power all the circuits within the device. Usually, voltage is a measure of how much potential energy the laptop can use. The amperage on laptop power adapters needs to match or exceed the amperage required by the laptop.

Power adapter using the recommended

Posted by admin on January 20th, 2015

Suggested Use:

Do not use the power adapter to the notebook computer power supply (can be battery-powered) in the case of an unstable power environment. In addition, after finished using laptop, in addition to the normal to the laptop battery charging, disconnect the power adapter and the mains connection, so that environmental protection is also conducive to the protection of the Asus ADP-120ZB BB power adapter. Not using a laptop during the night, the night power supply voltage is usually higher than the supply voltage during the day, potentially damage the power adapter.

Move or do not use the Asus ADP-120ZB BB power adapter, cable and power adapter sequence should be stacked together, and then fixed in the power adapter at both ends of the main body, the length should grow 4-6 cm each is appropriate, too short or the power cable wrapped around the power adapter on the body, in fact, the damage to the power adapter.

Using a power adapter, do not often be placed on the ground as much as possible the power adapter on the table; power adapter should be cherished, do not often subject them to shock, especially in the the asus power adapter hotter or lower temperature case should attention.

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